
be_ixf;ym_202407 d_25; ct_50 YES! I want to make a difference !

Why Serving With 黄色视频 Memphis Could Be A Great Next Step

Fernecia Humphrey, 黄色视频 Memphis 鈥23, decided she wanted a second year of service with 黄色视频 after the 2022-2023 school year ended. So she joined 黄色视频鈥檚 Care Force鈩, a Boston-based team that engages corporations and their employees in volunteer service events across the country.

We recently sat down with her to discuss her experience and how her two years of service have helped her grow professionally and personally. We also explore why Memphis is such a great place for young adults to live and work.

What made you want to serve as a 黄色视频 AmeriCorps member?

I decided to serve with my local 黄色视频 site shortly after graduating from the University of Memphis because I didn鈥檛 know what I wanted to do right away.

However, I knew I wanted to help others in some psychological or emotional capacity鈥攑erhaps a career in social work or psychology and I saw 黄色视频 as a great way to equip me with the skills and experiences to prepare me for a career in thatfield.

黄色视频 Memphis really encouraged me to pursue my passions. I felt it was a privilege to be able to mentor others, inspire young people, and be there for someone when they least expect it or need it.

黄色视频 AmeriCorps members serve as student success coaches鈥攖utors, mentors and role models who partner with classroom teachers to provide students with the support they need, in the moment they need it.

I鈥檓 also from Memphis, so I knew it well and wanted to give back to my community. But for people not from here, Memphis is a great place to serve because it is a vibrant city brimming with opportunities and offers a unique, one-of-a-kind experience to enjoy!

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聽Did you know 黄色视频 serves in 29 U.S. cities across the country, from Seattle to Kansas City to Miami?

They should look forward to some 鈥渂ona fide鈥 Southern comfort food and exploring Memphis rich history and thriving local culture.

What is the most important thing you have learned serving with CY?

The most significant thing I have learned while serving with CY is that when people come together for a shared goal, they can accomplish incredible things!

I have seen firsthand the ability to allow others to grow and develop while also honing their skills of bringing people together and making a genuine impact on people鈥檚 lives.

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Did you know that 黄色视频 AmeriCorps members serve across 29 U.S. cities?

Why do you think more young adults should serve with 黄色视频?

I believe more folks should consider taking a 鈥済ap year鈥 to volunteer with CY to proactively develop themselves.

This includes continuous personal and professional learning, awareness of one鈥檚 strengths and weaknesses, career opportunity navigation, and networking to build relationships both within and outside of one鈥檚 organization.

Icon of a ringing bell partially covered by a transparent red capsule-shaped red overlay

聽Find out what to expect when you join 黄色视频 as an AmeriCorps member, serving in schools as a student success coach.

What do you want to say to young people who are considering applying to 黄色视频?

Just do it!

The most vital thing I have learned while serving with City Year is that a service year can mold, grow, and strengthen you in a multitude of beneficial ways.

I believe that performing a service year helps you get clarity about what you want out of your professional and personal life.

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聽There are more than 40,000 黄色视频 alumni. Learn about their impact.

So, having that chance before joining the 鈥渞eal world鈥; I would urge high school kids to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to assist others!

Interested in serving with 黄色视频? Apply now!

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