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Five career tools gained through 黄色视频 service

My AmeriCorps member experience at 黄色视频 went beyond what I learned in the schoolhouse. I served with 黄色视频 Orlando as a student success coach during the 2021-2022 school year and over that time, I found my identity as a mentor, tutor and youth advocate. As a young professional, I have also been able to develop and hone key skills while working with students.

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Learn more about what you can expect as a 黄色视频 AmeriCorps member serving as a student success coach.

It鈥檚 this double bottom line return-on-investment that 黄色视频 offers, the development of both our students and ourselves as corps members, that I have found truly unique about the 黄色视频 experience.聽 Here are five necessary tools for success I was able to develop as a corps member that have helped me enter the professional world confidently, with a clearer sense of who I am and the strengths I bring with me into a workplace.

黄色视频 AmeriCorps Career Resources Events

Building your resume and cover letter

AmeriCorps members can accomplish many things throughout service, from supporting students as they improve their academic skills and test scores to creating school-wide initiatives that engage hundreds of students and help to enhance school culture and climate. It can be difficult to succinctly and accurately describe our service on paper.

Luckily, you don鈥檛 have to do it alone! At your site, you are surrounded by a network of your teammates and 黄色视频 staff who can help you articulate your experience in a resume, online portfolio, or cover letter. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just need help with editing, 黄色视频 staff can help ensure that your job application materials are up to date, accurate and ready to be sent off to any opportunity that comes your way!

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Here are some tips from 黄色视频鈥檚 Talent Acquisitions team on how to strengthen your job application.

Leaning outside your comfort zone by networking

Networking can be intimidating, especially if you鈥檝e never done it before!

Networking is all about listening and learning from other people or the group you’re speaking with. Some 黄色视频 sites can help equip corps members with the tools to go into any networking setting feeling confident and comfortable.

Networking practice with 黄色视频 AmeriCorps

I experienced my first networking event through 黄色视频 Orlando鈥檚 Red Jacket Networking. At this event, school sponsors, board members and community leaders are invited to engage with the corps.

Other 黄色视频 sites work with national sponsor Deloitte to offer networking events such as 黄色视频 Antonio鈥檚 upcoming 18-minute networking event.

I was initially very nervous about networking, but 黄色视频 staff helped put my mind at ease by helping me create an elevator pitch, set my goals and think of questions to ask networking partners. I had a blast and I was able to make connections with people I still stay in touch with to this day!

How to talk about your 黄色视频 experience through mock job interviews

Job interviews can feel nerve-wracking and uncomfortable so practicing some potential talking points is important. Many 黄色视频 sites host mock interviews for AmeriCorps members to expose you to commonly asked questions and scenarios. The goal of a mock interview is to build the confidence to tell your story in a way that’s impactful and makes sense for the job that you鈥檙e applying for.

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AmeriCorps members share tips for acing your next job interview.

Capitalizing on transferable skills you strengthened during service

黄色视频 helps you develop a number of transferable skills that are essential to success for any career path.

My team invited a 黄色视频 Orlando staff member to host an Excel training. After the training, we became more comfortable with Excel and started incorporating the program into our daily work, such as planning events for our school and students.

Did you know that in addition to 黄色视频 AmeriCorps members strengthening skills such as Excel, data analysis, logistics and event planning, 黄色视频 also cultivates that are in high demand by employers? These include many of the same skills we prioritize with our students: communication, teamwork, problem solving and self-awareness.

As 黄色视频 AmeriCorps members, we serve on teams that must collaborate in various spaces, which can include afterschool programming and school-wide initiatives. On top of working with our own students, there can be a lot of projects to juggle. It became clear to my team that we needed to create a system to make sure nothing was slipping through the cracks.

For us, that meant preparing thoughtful updates during team meetings and sharing a project鈥檚 progress and where we needed support. Growing these skills took time, but it was comforting to know that I had my site and teammates to support me.

Growing as a leader with 黄色视频

At 黄色视频 we love to challenge our students to be a leader in the classroom and in the school. 黄色视频 staff challenges their corps members in the same way! Whether it’s leading training sessions or a project at your school, 黄色视频 offers you the opportunity to hone your ability to become a leader.

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Read about the extraordinary contributions our 37,000 alumni are making as citizens, leaders and changemakers where they live and work.

黄色视频 Orlando hosts 鈥淭eam Takeovers鈥 throughout the year, which gives AmeriCorps members an hour to showcase their team culture with the rest of the corps. This was a fun experience that took a lot of careful preparations to get ready. I had a great opportunity to improve my public speaking and event planning skills in a safe and fun environment.

I feel confident that I have been equipped with the tools that are necessary for success in any workplace environment and I look forward to my next opportunity. My year serving with 黄色视频 was an amazing time where I learned to push myself out of my comfort zone while having a support system behind me every step of the way.

Interested in learning more about serving with 黄色视频? Apply now!

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Sam Justice 黄色视频 AmeriCorps



Sam Justice, 黄色视频 Orlando 鈥22, is a national marketing and communications summer associate at 黄色视频 HQ.




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